How to get out of a weekly binge quickly


The use of drugs causes irreparable damage to health and is a danger to life!

Binge - long-term (more than a day) alcohol consumption, accompanied by significant intoxication. This phenomenon is typical for people with alcohol addiction. The amount of alcohol consumed during such periods does not have time to be excreted, the decomposition products of alcohol poison the body. A prolonged weekly binge is often accompanied by depressive conditions.

What is the difference between pseudo-binge and usual

The binge begins with a psychological and physical craving for alcohol. Long periods of alcohol consumption can also occur under the influence of external factors: vacation, salary payments, a tragic event. Doctors call this pseudo-drinking.

feeling sick from binge eating

The pseudo-binge usually lasts 7-10 days and ends the same way it started, under the influence of social changes. However, the harm done to the body by alcohol does not allow you to quickly get out of a weekly binge. It will take time and some measures to restore vital signs.

How to get out of a 7 day binge

A short binge (4-5 days) can be defeated at home. It is important to cleanse the body of alcohol breakdown products.

  • You should drink as much water as possible - at least one and a half liters. Vomiting and diarrhea are natural manifestations of the detoxification process. It is necessary to replenish the loss of fluids in such situations.
  • If you have been drinking for 5 days, a higher dose of vitamin C will help cope with the effects of alcohol intoxication. It is recommended to take a five times daily dose (400-450 mg). You can add foods rich in ascorbic acid (lemon, kiwi, strawberries, cabbage) to the diet.
  • Use pharmacy pads. Activated carbon should be taken at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. You can drink charcoal, silicon or enterosorbent tablets.
  • It is important to stabilize sleep and restore the state of the nervous system. Among the sedatives the usual valerian is recommended. It should be remembered that some drugs provoke a slowing of reactions, drowsiness.
  • In the next three days after a five-day binge, fatty and fried foods should be excluded from the diet. A damaged liver will not be able to handle these foods. Add to the menu boiled vegetables, rice, buckwheat.

Deadly Dangerous!

The worst consequence is irreversible mental deterioration.

What to do in case of long-term binges

Binge drinking for a week or more is dangerous for a person in several ways. Often, after spending all the money on alcohol, the alcoholic begins to consume questionable drinks. In the course there is, as they say, "everything that burns". The danger of poisoning with unknown chemistry increases significantly.

Eventually, the body stops consuming alcohol and other foods. During this period, the alcoholic has vomiting, hypertension, tachycardia. The victim practically does not sleep, but falls into an alcoholic faint with vivid visions.

It is this turning point that prompts drunks to seek help.

Hospital treatment

The best way to get out of a two week binge is to go to the clinic. An individual treatment program is prescribed by the doctor after examining the patient. It is important to take into account the general condition of the body, the presence of chronic diseases, the degree of alcohol intoxication. Droppers are the most effective cleaning method. The solution allows you to wash off the traces of poisoning from the blood. The necessary drugs are administered intravenously.

Powerful sedatives are used. The purpose of using sedatives is to normalize the mental state, stop panic attacks and restore sleep. Dosage and admission schedule are determined exclusively by the attending physician.

inpatient binge treatment

General strengthening therapy is aimed at restoring the functions of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, immunity. Based on the state of the body, a course of vitamins, hepatoprotectors, etc. is prescribed. Rest and less physical activity have a positive effect on recovery. Inpatient treatment lasts three to seven days.

Home visit

To avoid publicity and not be registered as drug addicts, many alcoholics prefer to call the brigade home. The methods of detoxification in this case are the same. It is necessary to wipe the blood with a dropper, restore the general condition of the body.

To defeat a two-week binge at home, contact only trusted specialists. Often the intervention of unqualified personnel leads to a worsening of conditions. Pseudomedicians, whose services are paid for at an inflated price, often leave no information on the drugs administered to the victim. Therefore, there is a high risk of entering the ICU.

Conclusion from heavy drinking by reducing the dosage

If qualified medical assistance is unavailable for any reason, there is no choice but to get out of the binge on your own.

It is necessary to reduce the amount of alcohol consumed to 20-30 grams, increasing the interval between doses. Experts recommend using good quality vodka. You definitely need a snack. Usually, at this point, the alcoholic's body does not accept fatty foods, you can limit yourself to vegetables. Vegetable purees, like potatoes, work well. It is important that the ward does not drink an alcoholic beverage.

It should be continued until the alcoholic begins to feel sleepy. Do not resume alcohol intake after sleep. For the next 2-3 days, it is necessary to pay attention to the restoration of the body, to restore sleep and strengthen the nervous system. Use valerian, a herbal sedative for this. Some people use nootropics - even a regular mild sedative, of which there are many in the public domain, will do. Available pharmaceutical preparations will help restore the liver.

It is possible to abruptly get out of the binge

The method of sharply refusing alcohol in severe intoxication remains controversial. Doctors talk about the stress the body experiences in this case. The presence of chronic diseases and diseases in the exacerbation stage excludes this method.

The first effects of this method are felt within a couple of hours after you stop drinking alcohol. The remains of alcohol in the blood break down and breakdowns begin, repeated vomiting. At this point, there was nothing left in the alcoholic's stomach, the vomit was a mixture of bile and gastric juice (a translucent yellow to swampy green liquid). It is necessary to drink up to one and a half liters of boiled water for better stomach cleansing.

A person begins to tremble and dizzy, coordination is impaired. Walking in these moments is almost impossible. Even going to the bathroom is difficult for him. Lying in this state is not recommended, it is better to choose a sitting position.

After 3-4 hours of torment, a slight relief comes. You can drink water, cool unsweetened tea. You should not take fragile dishes, it is better to use metal or plastic devices, it is recommended to drink with a straw.

As soon as the vomiting subsides, you need to take a sanitary napkin. Among the popular drugs, activated carbon and others. One of the remedies available is 1/2 tablespoon of plain baking soda. The powder should be washed off with water or tea. After that, do not use any medications for 1. 5-2 hours.

The first day after abrupt cessation of alcohol, weakness, nausea, tremor persist. The psychological state is gradually improving. Vivid manifestations of emotions can be observed - laughter, tears. Sleep does not usually occur.

On the second day you can eat, get yourself in order. Little physical activity is appropriate. You should follow a diet for a week: switch to high-fiber vegetables, dairy products. It is important to maintain the central nervous system: take sedatives, try to normalize sleep.